Currently Reading:

Currently Reading: Finished This Semester:
Mockingjay- Suzanne Collins Frankenstein- Mary Shelley
The Picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde The Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire- Suzanne Collins
World War Z- Max Brooks

Friday, February 24, 2012

Submission #4: Blog Assignment

Good Claims

1) Vivir, Soñar, Leer
The radical range of color schemes, discombobulating object scale, unusual item combination, and drastic angling of geometric shapes combine to form a divine harmony in the middle of a flustering discord. From drastic reds and harsh blacks to soft pinks and peaceful blues, the colors of the rooms create a dramatic range of mood from breathtaking to calming.
This claim is like a "one-two punch" that almost completely describes the colors and moods of the rooms on this website.

2) Books for Dummies (like me)
This opening scene is pivotal to the rest of the film because it already sets the stage for the theme of horrific deaths by sharks. The frantic movement of the kids and the thundering suspense of the music conveys this sense of carnage and trepidation so that the audience might pee their pants in fright.

Not so good claims:

1) Well.. I can't really find the claim on this one..

2)"The whimsical vividness of the collection of drawings and pictures is just plain astonishing."

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