Currently Reading:

Currently Reading: Finished This Semester:
Mockingjay- Suzanne Collins Frankenstein- Mary Shelley
The Picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde The Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire- Suzanne Collins
World War Z- Max Brooks

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Podcast Response: Middle School

I listened to most of this podcast to realize that most middle schoolers must have similar experiences. The entire duration of the podcast had me laughing and reminiscing because of the funny events that i shared with the kids in the podcast. There was a section about a girl who wouldn't want to wear her new clothes right away because she was afraid people might judge her too much. Personally, I've never worried about something like that, but I can see a girl having similar problems.

One of the main points made in the podcast was that middle school is a time when kids find out their true personalities. This isn't really a good point, because you're always going to change ideas, but middle school is definitely a start. Judgmental groups of friends will always stay judgmental, and there will always be independent people who stray from the norm.


  1. I enjoyed this podcast immensely. I think we all can relate to these kids in some way.

  2. I agree how middle school isn't when you "find your personality". It could even be said that high school isn't that time completely. I like that you don't mind opposing the points made in the podcast.

  3. I didn't listen to this podcast, but I like your post and i definitely agree that you don't find yourself until you're older and able to fully understand life itself. x

  4. Listening to those middle-schoolers talk about their lives and how young they sound just make me feel so much much more mature as a high- schooler; I'm not though!!

  5. I remember some funny events that occurred to me during middle school. Middle school was very fun but it was only the beginning to finding out who you are as you mentioned earlier.
