Currently Reading:

Currently Reading: Finished This Semester:
Mockingjay- Suzanne Collins Frankenstein- Mary Shelley
The Picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde The Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire- Suzanne Collins
World War Z- Max Brooks

Monday, January 9, 2012

Literacy Narrative

Sometime around second grade, I realized I read a lot more than other kids in my class. I found myself trying to read at every possible moment during class. I often stayed up late after bedtiime to read. I usually read popular fiction series such as The Boxcar Children, Harry Potter, and Series of Unfortunate Events. I read this much for most of elementary school and through 8th grade, but once I reached highschool, I felt too pressured with homework, sports, and showchoir to read very much for fun. I still find a good book every once in a while, but I don't read half as much as I used to before highschool.

I don't really have a certain role model or influence for reading. I just find it fun to see a movie in my head. Of course I have to read some books for class, but those aren't really for fun. If I could read more for fun, I'd read some nonfiction books about topics that interest me such as music and some science. I also enjoy reading action novels that keep me on the edge of my seat. These are books that I like because they usually don't bore me and cause me to dread reading them.

Reading has changed my life because I honestly believe it has helped me comprehend teachers or anyone else during school. It has also helped me with grammar which I've noticed when writing essays for class or even texting. I've noticed that since I haven't read as much in highschool, I sometimes have trouble understanding more difficult text in Bio or Chem. I know I'll have to read a lot of science books in college because I'm planning on studying Biochem so, a lot of practice with that should be beneficial during highschool. I still enjoy reading for fun and even for classes, but I don't always have very much time to do it.

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